Have you issued an RFP for this project? (Yes/No) If yes, include Dropbox link to document:
How much money have you set aside for this project?* Our projects typically start at $10K and can run into the high five figures.
We need to understand your budget expectations so we're able to craft an appropriate response. It's okay if it's a ballpark range.
Project Timeline Let us know how soon you want to complete this project?
Project Overview?* Let us know what you're looking for 3.7 to assist with. You don't have to go into excruciating detail, just give us a feel for the problem you are experiencing and how you think we can help?
How did you hear about our work? What specically interests you about it? Any projects you’re keen on?
Are you talking to other companies about this project? Might we ask how many? What do you like about their work?
Company Name* Please provide the name of the company or organization.
What action(s) should the user perform when visiting your website? e.g. search for information, sign up for an account, purchase a product/service?
Tell us about your industry and how you fit into it? Newcomer or established? Local, regional, or national?
Describe the ideal visitor to your website? Consumers or other businesses? Fashion-forward or more conservative? High-end or budget? Local to you or far-flung? Young or old?
When your ideal visitor arrives, what frame of mind are they in? Seeking information? Ready to purchase?
If your ideal visitor visited your website, what would you want them to do before they left? Contact you? Book an appointment? Make a purchase? Subscribe to your newsletter?
Have all content types been considered? Content is more than the words on the page. It is imagery, video, infographics, printed materials. And you likely need to map all of this to appropriate platforms. Start by listing all possible content types and you’ll start to see exactly what you’re dealing with, who is needed and how this needs to be built into an overall strategy.
Can content be published in phases after the site launches? YES: Good. This shows an appreciation for the true effort of producing good content and are understanding of ways to ensure the content doesn’t delay launch, including prioritizing content.
NO: There may be unrealistic expectations about the content challenge ahead or approaching the project with a print-publication mentality, i.e. it must all be published together. Closely examine the reasons why content can’t be rolled out in phases and challenge them.