By authorizing 3.7 DESIGNS to migrate your website to a new website server/host, you agree to the following:
The website or functionality is approved and meets all requirements. 3.7 DESIGNS has migrated a fully functioning product.
I have been given enough time to test the website. I understand, that 15 days after the date of my site being migrated to the new host/server, any time spend to fix “bugs” may be billed at 3.7 DESIGNS’ standard rates. Note: Bugs that already existed before the migration will be billed at standard rates.
Email Accounts:
3.7 DESIGNS is not responsible for the loss of any email. We will try our best to minimize any downtime. You are confirming you have a full backup of all email accounts and email.
Billable Hours:

I understand that all future changes or corrections in design or content are now billable at 3.7 DESIGNS standard rates.
Error Notification:
Unless stated in a maintenance agreement, I understand that it is my responsibility to notify 3.7 DESIGNS in the event of any website issues. Any support evidence will be clearly documented and submitted via email or Basecamp.
If there are any issues that you have regarding the site, we will be glad to discuss solutions.
Our goal is to ensure that you are satisfied with your website migration. Once we receive the “Hosting Migration Approval”, we will migrate your website.